You're more than welcome to come any time now 😐


Im 37 weeks exactly and now is the time that I attempt to self induce labor. I feel like it wont really work, but I have tried walking, sex, squats (mainly squatting a bouncing a few times and repeating), spicy food doesnt work (I have eaten it so much in my pregnancy and before that I guess my body can tolerate it). I'm ready for this baby to make his appearance 🥴🥴🥴 I have 2 weeks left until I can be induced (although I'm not sure what they'll do first, I will have to ask at my appointment tomorrow) but I'm ready for this kid to come.

Sex isn't working (at this point I only do it in case it makes a difference 😅)

Walking hasn't done much of anything (it's helped him drop a little and that's mainly it)

Anything else i can try that doesn't involve drinking any type of liquid or basically running a marathon 😅