SOS boy troubles- a confused college chick

so I've been talking to this guy for almost 2 months and I thought we were developing into something more. He took me to meet his hometown friends and basically told me how much he likes me several times. We've made out and he's gone down on me but he never pressured to do anything more. I'm in  college so I thought it was kind of weird. He told me to come to this party and I get there and he was making out with another girl. I confronted him and he told me he "just wants to do his own thing." We didn't talk for a week or so and he texted me "are we ever going to be friends again?" We've been talking a lot since then and I've slept over at his place but we still haven't done anything. I've been questioning why he put so much effort in the beginning if all he wanted was sex yet he never tried. I went over the other night and we planned on doing it the next morning but I left before he woke up because I got so nervous. Am I in the friend zone? Any and every thought is welcomed