Random crying


So when my LO was a newborn, he had a couple random bouts of crying in the middle of the night, but a quick binky and some back rubbing put him right back to sleep. Now he’s 6.5 months, and during his nap today he woke up crying hysterically, and no back rub or binky was helping him until I picked him up and rocked him. When he calmed down finally and closed his eyes to sleep again, I placed him back in his crib and he bursted out crying again, so I held him again and he calmed down and I waited until he fell asleep in my arms to put him back in his crib.

Is this normal? He’s such a happy baby and after the couple crying bouts in the first few weeks after coming home from the hospital, he hasn’t had another one until today. Could this be a symptom of teething? He’s been especially drooly and chewing on literally everything, so I wasn’t sure if this random crying bout was also another symptom? He doesn’t have any symptoms of a cold or other illness, so I know he’s not sick.....