What is wrong with my leg after CS

So I had a c section 9 months ago and literally ever since my top left thigh kind of near my hip hurts. Every time I walk I limp and it feel likes something is out of place.. what could it be? I’ve done physio exercise but it didn’t help. It’s getting worse and worse and I’m currently 10 weeks pregnant again and I can’t cope..

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This happened to me and I was carrying around a 3 week old while on a crutch. I was supposed to be on two. A lot of times during a c section things get thrown around weird, and it causes issues later. I would call your OB and explain to him/her what going on, & ask if she could write you a referral to an orthopedic office for scans. Or your family doctor. Get some scans and they can try to help with whatever it is. Mine turned out to be out of place just slightly, causing sever discomfort. It got really bad for a while, and I collapsed while holding my son after sitting on the couch with him. I squeezed him so tight, protected him, but busted my head open on the coffee table.


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Could be that your spine didn't align properly back in place after the pregnancy. A chiropractor may be able to adjust you.