Preeclampsia and gestational diabetes


Basically i went in for my prenatal appointment two days ago with bad headaches and was thinking high blood pressure.

They took my urine and i got the results today which basically insinuates preeclampsia because of protein in urine and other things and bladder infection as well which the doctor mentioned i could have but he said he was gonna send it to another lab to make sure. I have no bladder infection symptoms though my results say otherwise.

He had a nurse call yesterday morning to make sure i get bloodwork done this week but i wont be able to go till tomorrow on the account of breaking the only pants that fit me the day of my appointment and now waiting on the ones i ordered to come tomorrow hopefully before my appointment with the lab. I needed some stretchy maternity pants bad.

Im just stressed as i was already told id be delivering a week before my due date on the account of the GD which is fine. But now after i get this bloodwork done um assuming they may want it done sooner, considering online it says my doctor put in a referral for surgery though he didnt tell me anything about it, im assuming he didnt tell me my results on purpose and just put something in for a c section or something. I cant speak with him since you can never get in contact with any of your doctors at my clinic, its ridiculous honestly, and it wasnt the usual doctor i see. Idk feeling just exhausted by the whole thing