

So here is my story! Ive been with my fiancé for 5yrs now. We have been trying the last 4yrs. Ive been told i first had a endo polyp on my uterus and i had that removed 8 weeks ago. Then i was told my right fallopian tube is partially blocked and would require surgery. Im on the list for that surgery but co-vid has put that on the back burner. So friday aug 28th i had very mild spotting didnt think anything of it. On sunday aug 30th i started experiencing very bad pain near my appendix i was able to tolerate it until tuesday after the pain had moved to my right lower back. I ended up going to the emergency after 2 hospitals and 12hrs later i was told i was pregnant but they cant find it. According to the one hospital i am 5 weeks According to my hcg levels which doesnt make sense because i had a full period aug 14-18th. I went for a ultrasound yesterday and they gave me no info. I bought a home pregnancy test as i needed some answers and this is the results.