I pray God will bless us one more time...


My daughter was born in April of 2015. Absolutely healthy and perfect, even though she came at 39 weeks she was ready to meet the world. Now I believe with every fiber of my being that God made it possible for us to get pregnant the first time due me having been told my endometriosis would only give me about a 30% chance of Ever having a child. Well once I found my soulmate and we got engaged it was a month later we found out we were pregnant, and that moment I saw that 2nd blue line it cemented in my heart the reality of God and that he really does love me. Now we have not used any protection during sex at all since she was born and so far not even a later period. So now that I am 31 I’m kind of trying to kick my “trying techniques” into high gear so with Gods will we may have another child while I still have a chance. God knows my heart and he knows I have always wanted two children and I pray that he will permit me to borrow one more angel from him to love and cherish as my own flesh. Ladies any positive vibes, feedback, or, prayers for me would be much appreciated and I will return the favor and send an extra one up for you as well so that we may safely and joyously make it to our goal of pregnancy and mother hood! God keep you and bless you every day of your lives!