My 9/24 baby came 9/3 🥰


Rónán Cassidy Rogue was born 9/3/2020 at 11:44pm. She weighted 8.11lbs and is 20 1/2 inches. I ended up being induced at 37 weeks because I had GD, GH, baby girl was measuring big, and I had a significant amount of extra fluid. We to the hospital at 11am. Got the pill to ripen my cervix. At around 4pm they checked me and I was only at a 1 cm and 50% so they started me in patocin. At around 9:30pm I asked for an epidural because the back pain was getting excruciating. They came out it in and then the catheter exploded so the took it out but then couldn’t find the spot again. They did an ultrasound to make sure they got the right spot. Then they put in a new epidural. While this was all happening I my contractions were getting more severe and closer together. After almost an hour of them putting in the epidural they left. My mom (my support person) came back in. Within 5 minutes I had a real urgency to poop. As my mom was walking to the door to get my nurse my water broke and about 10 minutes later Rónán was born. The epidural ended up not working at all so I felt everything and while it was all worth it I am thankful for the quick delivery. Both our sugars were great and my BP came down. Rónán was a little jaundice because of being born a little early and having bruises from the quick birth but after 3 days we are finally home and feel so blessed. Rónán’s sister and brother are also in love with her. 🥰