Masturbating into labor 🤣

My husband is currently at work and I’ve tried all the other natural home remedies to induce labor in the last few days. I’m only a few days away from my EDD so I thought maybe masturbation would help increase oxytocin. Apparently I was right because I went to go pee after and had a chunk of my mucus plug come out with some spotting in it. I’ve been losing bits and pieces in the last week and a half every time I pee but never in a long piece about 2 inches. Also after I was done peeing I heard liquid still coming out of me but like a tiny trickle. It didn’t feel like I was still peeing so I’m wondering if my water is leaking. I’m going to lay down for 20 minutes or so and see if I feel anything leaking out when I stand. Wish me luck! 🤞🏼

Update: no water leaks but since then I’ve had a lot of tightening of the abdomen and more loss of my mucus plug with a tinge of blood. No pain with the tightening yet either so I’m just waiting to see what happens.