Mucus plug at 29w4d

Back story!

Spent a couple of hours in the hospital last night hooked up to IV fluids for dehydration.

I was having consistent contractions and barely felt baby all day.

I had nausea all day, dizziness, no energy, loss of appetite. And I have gestational diabetes... so lots to be worried about at this point.

Babies heart rate dropped while hooked up to the monitors so I went for an ultrasound to check on everything (still waiting for results)

Found out I’m 1cm dilated which isn’t uncommon for third pregnancy but we will be monitoring it.

Skip to today.

Nothing major but some cramping all day, still no energy but that could be from high sugar levels.

I noticed I think I may have lost some of my mucus plug ....

Has anyone else gone through this?

Does this look like a mucus plug?

I’m pretty certain it is and you’d think with having two other kids I would be able to tell by now but I’m trying not to be paranoid.