Are second births always earlier & quicker?

Leska • 👦🏽 born 23 Jan 2016 • 👼 5 weeks lost 17 July 2019 • 👼 8 weeks ectopic lost 12 Nov 2019 • pregnant with 🌈 born 12 October 2020

With my first son I lost my mucus plug at 36+4 days and gave birth the next day. No induction. Contractions started by itself and had a 5 hour labour, with a difficult pushing stage because baby was sunny side up and he had to be vacuumed out. I had second degree tears and it really was just tough but he didn’t need to go to NICU and weighed 3kg. He had jaundice after we were discharged so we were re-admitted 2 days later and he had to stay under the lights. I had mild pre-eclampsia with him from 35 weeks.

With this one, I was diagnosed with pre-clampsia at 28 weeks but monitoring at home. I don’t have swollen feet or hands, only trace amounts of protein in urine and very seldomly a BP of 140/90. The dr checked my BP last time and it was 150/100 but he said to watch it.

My question is, will this baby come “early” like my first born or will he make me wait til due date 🙈 I don’t I can wait! My vulva feels like it’s about to pop from the pressure!

Any moms been through similar?