HELP! I can’t trust my body anymore..


TTC for two years and have NEVER had a cycle less than 30 days, with 33 typically being my ‘clockwork’ day. It’s the one thing I can count on. Started Clomid this past April- became pregnant but ended in a chemical MC at 5.5 weeks. Cycles still remained typical. Fast forward to now- I did my second cycle of Femara 5mg and am In my two week wait. Ovulated CD 15.

Except, I had light pink spotting after a bowel movement 8DPO (cycle day 22)-stopped after a few hours. Same thing happened CD 24. Then, today (CD25), I’ve started bright red bleeding. Not heavy. But I’m BEWILDERED!

I typically get severe cramps on the first day of my period but have none. But more than anything, I’m so thrown by my period (if that’s what this is) showing up a week early.

Do you have an experience with this? Could this be another chemical? Implantation? I’ve had a transvaginal US that was normal, and am getting an HSG this month- but should I be asking for anything else?