My husband has been the best 😍


With our first baby, we were both super young, unprepared and honestly scared. Not to mention our son had colic for the first 6 months so it was rough on both of us. It tried us for sure.

We just had our second this morning, by vbac and we are using breastmilk this time around as our son was strictly formula fed by choice. I just have to take a minute and seriously give him the outrageous amount of praise he deserves.

He sped to the hospital from work once we knew it was time to go. He got all of our bags out of my car and made sure I was comfortable. He came crazy prepared for my labor - had my favorite music pulled up and headphones he put in my ear so I could relax. He let me squeeze the dickens out of his hands as contractions came. He told me so many times that I got this and that I'm so strong and that he is so proud of me.... then it came time for the delivery. Poor guy had a front row seat, literally saw the WHOLE ENTIRE THING down there. Never flinched. They even did an episiotomy and he held full composure. He cut the cord and all.

We have been trying breastfeeding and expressing milk and he has been crazy encouraging to both me and our daughter. Helping me hold her, massage my breast, stroke her cheek to keep her eating and giving us both positive praise. He reminds me how its not going to be easy but that we won't give up ans that we can do anything together. THEN it's the middle of the night and the baby is fussy but not hungry or anything, just wants to be held, so he stays up extra long so I can rest.

I'm honestly just so astounded at the man he is and how incredible he has been on this journey. I am so happy to have his children and to get to witness him as such a fantastic dad and partner. We've loved each other since we were 15... now we are 30 and it's the most beautiful gift in the world to grow up together and love each other through it all. I'm so blessed.