How do you know.....

...if your water broke or is leaking?

Little background im 39 weeks. I had a cervix check today (wed) around 12 and started cramping/contracting alot after up untill like 730 ish. BUT there was no dilation just a soft cervix. I been cramping alot more than usual the last 2 days. AND It's now midnight and im getting into bed and I feel a small gush. I figured I peed a little from my movement so i go clean up change my underwear and climb into bed again. Then again i leak. I bend over to grab clean underwear from my night stand. And i trickled again just droplets but i cant stop it they just come. Could that be my fluid leaking or the baby pressing my bladder alot when i move.

If im leaking should i go to the hospital?

Im not cramping or hurting.

I just move too much a trickle again.