I am breaking up with you..


I have waited for months for you to come back. I sat here patiently, all by myself, waiting for you. You used to come back on weekends, i found ways to come see you even during lockdown. You used to tell me you will see me twice during the weekends, but it never happened. And i was understanding. I didnt ever make a huge deal out of it. I knew you had things to do and i was happy because i was atleast seeing you once. Then you forgot my birthday, i understood. You turned the entire argument against me, i understood. You were away, and i knew things were hard. And then you came back, and i was the happiest. You didnt see me the entire first week, i understood you had things to deal with. You saw me during the second week, you realised i wasnt feeling good, you said u will come see me for sometime again tmw, and the tmw never happened. I understood. I kept telling myself you don't have enough time, and that's okay. But then i saw you had time for everything, you had time to pick your friend, hang out with him almost every day, but i tried to understand. I told myself it's good for you, and i wanted to see you become better. So it really isn't about time, it is about priorities, i understood. I am no longer your priority. You used to drive through terrible traffic, even during your exams to come see me. I mean let aside seeing me. I don't think you realize how alone i feel. How alone i have felt all this time. I no longer have a lot of friends, because YOU didnt like them. I wonder if you understand how terrible that feels. Honestly, feeling lonely is okay, but having a boyfriend, someone who claims to love you, and still feeling this way sucks. You don't even care to know how i feel. No one has ever been there during hard times, but i though u will be here, i thought you will stay. I have spent the worst days of my life, and you don't even know. You don't care to know. And how do i tell you when you don't even wanna hear. I know you ask me how i am doing and how everything is, but i wish we could actully just talk someday, i wish you would just hear. Everytime i try to tell you how hard things are, you feel the urge to tell me things are worse for you, again i try to understand. And now i dont even feel the need to tell you my problems. So now i think what the point of our relationship is? if i am to be committed to you, i need more than sex. i need more than hearing the stories of your camp. i need time, i need attention, and most important of all i need love. i can continue to prentend i am happy and okay with you, while my thoughts eat me up inside or i can tell you and part ways with you. I know what you will say, i know you will tell me things were hard and you will try to be better, but i also know that it won't work out. This is not the first time, you will say that. you have said the same thing few times earlier. Nothing ever changed.and nothing ever will. But i am not blaming you for it. I could give us another chance, but i will continue to feel awful. Every single day, i hope to spend some time with you, all day i wait for your text, my thoughts take me to the worst of places, and i cant help it. I feel as if i am not good enough for you, I feel miserable and not valued. I am sorry but i can't continue to feel that way. I deserve to feel better. I am breaking up with you..