Names after the deceased

Question: My mother passed away 10 years ago. My biological father passed away last year 11/29. My brother in law was murdered June of this year. He was a loving person. Before we conceived my husband said if we have a boy let's name him David. I was like okay; that's fine. I loved him too. Little did we know we our babies were coming in when he was leaving out. I mentioned the chosen name to my MIL and she says "ooh no, I named him after my husband brother who was murdered, now he's been murdered." I wouldn't do it but it's your choice. That freaked me out. So, since I told my husband " No" I can't go with that name. His mother has since tried to get me to name the boy after his brother or the girl his middle name. My husband hasn't said anything. I don't believe he want a war. What do you all think?