Sleep Training


So my 9 month old is currently going through a leap/sleep regression on top of getting some teeth in right now. The past two nights it has been a complete fight to put her to sleep. To the point where she scream and fights me. Also I want to point out that my husband or I will rock her to sleep every night for bedtime and for daytime naps. Last night it was so bad that I just let her cry, obviously I went in every 5 to 10 minutes comforting her. She then only cried for twenty minutes and then fell asleep on her own. I follow Taking Cara Babies on Instagram and kinda follow some of the things she talks about on her Instagram. My point is I don’t mind rocking her to sleep but I feel it may be hard to do so down the road if and when we have another child. So I’m thinking maybe I need to sleep train my LO to help her put herself to sleep. Has anyone ever purchased the Taking Cara Babies class, is it worth it? Or can I just follow her on Instagram and implement some of her tips she talks about on there?