Birth Control Advice


Hey guys! I want to get started on Birth control again but I am not sure which one to get. I was on the pill for 2 years but then we thought I was having a bad reaction to it so I stopped. It has been probably 9 months now and my periods have been wonky and they just started to get back to normal, but my acne came back sooo bad. I had clear skin for 2 years and I loved it and now my face is constantly breaking out. I also don’t eat any chocolate or sweets, I am a very clean eater and eat only natural foods so I can’t blame it on what I am eating and I only drink water and decaf tea. I also want to start again for obvious reasons, not to have a baby. I was good at the pill because I remember to take it everyday. But I really think that I want the IUD but I’m kind of scared it’s going to like come out when I have my period, or my bf will pull it out idk 😂. Then the implant is highly recommended for my age 19, but I have heard horror stories about it. Then there’s the shot but I don’t know if I like that much hormones pumping through my body in one concentrated shot that lasts 3 months. I could really use some advice 🙏🏼