Am I overthinking this?


Hey y’all. So my partner and I decided last month that after my period, I wouldn’t go back on my birth control and we would try to have a baby. Yay!!! Super duper excited. He has a son born mid July and a daughter born the end of September.

His ex wife unfortunately is a top notch specimen of how not to be a mother. Currently he has custody with our home being primary residence and she gets them one night on the weekends. We are in the middle of a huge ordeal involving custody and they no longer can co parent without legal involvement. Her bf sexually abused their daughter, she denies it and says it didn’t happen. He was charged with two felonies and goes to trial this fall. She still lives with him and has since actually gotten engaged to him. That being said, I’m trying to “plan” (as much as I can) when the baby would be born. Given the situation with the kids, I’m not sure going forward where they will be for birthdays. Previously we would all go together for trips around their birthdays but that definitely won’t be happening anymore. So I guess my fear is having a baby near either of their birthdays and then not having them with us to celebrate the new babies bday or having to involved the ex in the new babies birthday stuff.

I’m sure I’m over thinking this. Thoughts?