mom projecting onto me

so my mom is very strict on me specifically because i’m a girl. i have a boyfriend and ever since i told my mom about him (which she told me she wouldn’t judge if i had one) she’s been super strict on me doesn’t trust me with anything. i get that in high school i lied a lot bc of my ex boyfriend but that was almost 4 years ago and i’ve changed a lot since. i’m about to turn 22 and my mom doesn’t let me go out if she knows i’m going over to my boyfriend’s place or she will argue with me before i go telling me that i’m going to get pregnant and leave just like her sister did when she was my age. it drives me insane and i’m no therapist, but i’ve been in therapy long enough to know that she’s projecting her childhood trauma onto me and is trying to trap me so i don’t make the same mistake as her sister. although i get where she’s coming from, it’s not fair to me that she threatens me every time i go out even if it’s not to hang out with my boyfriend. she’ll do anything to stop me from living my life because of her sisters actions that happened more than 30 years ago. now i know what you’re thinking, i should just move out. but i’m from a pakistani/honduran household and a lot of my family would judge me and would stop talking to me if i move out and that’s the last thing i want to happen. my brothers wife spoke to my mom and told her that she needs to stop forcing me to do what she wants because it’ll only drive me away and my mom would be heartbroken if i just stop talking to her and it’s true but my mom doesn’t listen. she thrives on her fears and built up trauma. at this point i feel like i need to stand up for myself and tell her i’m not going to keep letting her walk all over me but every time i have the chance to i get scared. i’ve given her every reason to trust me, i introduced her to my boyfriend and my friends, i help around the house and i help pay the bills but she always says she doesn’t trust me because she knows i’m going to get myself pregnant and run away the same way my aunt did. i had plans of moving out a couple of months ago and my mom found out and she told my dad and told him to not pay for my tuition anymore if i do move out. my dads also another factor to this, he always scares her saying if i come home one day saying i’m pregnant he’s going to cut us off and have her deal with me on my own. which i think is stupid because he left us for another woman and my mom had to raise me by herself but hey not my business. i just...... i don’t want to keep dealing with this and moving out isn’t happening for another couple of months or maybe a year so if anybody could give some words of encouragement or advice i’d kindly appreciate it :/

edit: i’d also like to mention that my older brothers never had to deal with this from either one of my parents