Tirion is here

Tirion Reid made his appearance at 8:17pm weighing 4lbs 4oz @ 34+1 after a very stressful afternoon. I had biophysicals yesterday and both boys were doing well. Today I had noticed decreased Movement for baby B. I went in for an emergency appt with my OB to get checked out and they were unable to find a heartbeat for baby B. They also noticed that baby A had lost a lot of fluid between yesterday and today. I was sent to labor and delivery and had a relatively mild and successful repeat csection. Tirion is doing very well. Apgar of 8&9. They're montioring him in the nicu bc we don't know what went wrong so quickly. I spent a few moments with baby B and I'm glad I did, I feel good about it and think it was a nice goodbye. They will give us a memory box with his pic and footprint and stats. Here's Tirion with mommy and daddy, he looks just like his biggest big brother.