Doing so good in her crib


So one of my last posts was about me losing my shit because Norah was just not sleeping well at all. One of you suggested it could be because we side car and as much as I didn’t wanna hear that I thought about it and decided to try putting her in her crib.

It’s been a success!!

Been almost a week and every night we put her in her crib and I read her a story then turn the lights out and put on this sleep video on YouTube that just has fish swimming across the screen. She has her cup of milk and pacifier and I lay in bed away from her crib and do work on my phone and she’s going to sleep on her own!! Without needing to hold my hand!!!

She wakes up 2-3 times but just to get her pacifier or drink from her cup and goes back to sleep I’m so proud. I’m even working on not getting up right away for her I wait to see if she’ll sooth herself.

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Yay!!! That’s awesome. Also love the baby yoda she has 😂😍💕 and the fact that she will sleep with a blanket!! Mine is still in a sleep sack because he refuses anything in his crib at all.