Cycle 3 of ttc after mmc

Ash • 🩷🩵🩵🩵

I am starting to test LH levels after AF. This makes the 3rd cycle of TTC after my mmc in June. I feel positive, but in a way I’m already tired.

Tired of testing.

Tired of the waiting.

Tired of the two week wait.

Tired of analyzing clearly negative pregnancy test.

Just so emotionally tired. I will be 34 soon and I know we won’t try much longer. I just want my family complete.

I should be feeling kicks and counting down to new baby. 💔

Praying this is the month.

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Posted at
I’m in exactly the same boat and so tired of everything. I keep seeing other women with baby bumps and thinking ‘I should’ve had one of those too’. I find it really hard to not add up all the weeks and think about how long it could take, but I have to put that to the back of my mind and take each day as it comes. Keep going, we’ll get there 💕


Eva • Sep 14, 2020
I feel you! Mc in June as well.


Ash • Sep 14, 2020
Yes we will 💪


Posted at
Oh I felt this so much. I cried yesterday because I felt the same, you are not alone. I pray this is our month. Hugs ❤️❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼


Ash • Sep 14, 2020
Xoxo 😘


Posted at
Definitely not alone. We have same timeline. My miscarriage was the middle of June. I have the same feeling but trying to stay positive. Having the hardest time trying to do the thing I spent so many years avoiding. Never imagined getting pregnant would be so hard.


Posted at
So not alone!!! I'm 35 tomorrow and have 2 more cycles to try to convince before I need to have a hysterectomy....tired of so much and still trying to be positive!! Hugs and prayers sent your way and know your far from alone!!!❤


Ash • Sep 18, 2020
Thank you😘 you too!!! ✨


Posted at
I started my fourth cycle yesterday and started bawling. It is so hard. This WILL BE THE MONTH. I am speaking it into existence


Ash • Sep 18, 2020
Yes!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Posted at
So sorry hun. This is month 2 for me, I lost my twins July 1st. Praying it happens very soon for you ❤️


Ash • Sep 14, 2020
You too ❤️