Help!! Sleep related (or lack of)


For the last few months my babe has been sleeping from 7pm-6:30am (with 1-2 wake ups) and 2 daytime naps totalling between 2-2.5 hours), other than during leaps, as they hit us hard. The past couple weeks, her schedule has been a mess, she’ll either sleep in until 7:30/8 or get up at 5:15/5:30.

Her wake windows have also stretched ALOT (3.5 hours after wake up and first nap and 4.5 between second nap and bedtime).

The problem: When she wakes up late her naps and bedtime get pushed back, naps and bedtime are a fight and she’s waking up ALOT throughout night (sometimes every hour).

My question: should I allow her schedule to be flexible or could this be the cause of her recent nightly wake ups?

Should I go down to 1 nap when she’s waking up later and just have an early bedtime?

I’ve also recently started weaning her and am not sure if her lack of sleep is caused by this change, and if I am changing her nap schedule should I hold off on weaning?

I’m sorry this is so long and full of questions, I am a ftm, and am going back to work in a couple of months and would like a steady schedule (without breastfeeding) for my LOs caretaker!

Thank you so much, any and all advice is appreciated!