Two girls shared bedroom


So we just found out we’re having our second girl we have an older girl who will be 22 months by the time we have our next baby. I’m trying to figure out how I’m gonna put them both in the same room. I already have the toddler bed because I bought it way too soon (it is the same brand as the crib and I love them together!) so here are my thoughts.

 this is the toddler bed we have and I’m obviously planning on doing some drapery I have a bedspread that’s very much like the one in the photo and I’m thinking of doing pink Sheer curtains for the bed but white would also be nice. 

This is the crib I already have I do not have all of the bumper stuff on it but that’s fine I do have cute pink and gold crib sheets though and that’s all baby will need for a while.

My thought is I want to do something like this. Pink sheer drapes on both bedding and get some thing with the hoop to go over the babies bed I could even hang the Mobile from it. My question is do you think it would be safe for the baby? If not what do you think I could do to make it safe? Obviously the baby will be with me in the bedroom for the first few months in a bassinet we don’t plan on room sharing until baby is at least three months old. Do any of your moms who do you have kids share a room have any suggestions?