Good until now


So I was going through reading all of these posts about everyone having miscarriages and bleeding and having terribly pregnancy symptoms, and I’ve been here all like, damn I’m not having any of that. I was due May 7th. Started bleeding a lot this morning and am pretty sure my lucky streak is over at 6 weeks and 4 days. Fml.

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Posted at
Sorry to hear that Dee. I have brown discharge from y'day lunchtime, tho it's not as heavy now. But I have some cramping too, it's not horrifically painful but uncomfortable and consistent. Going for my scan today now instead of next week. Trying not to freak out! 😭


Snowflake • Sep 16, 2020
Oh no hun can you call them and go in sooner or go to the ER? My scan was meant to be the 23rd but they moved it forward. Wishing you all the best xx


Dee • Sep 16, 2020
Happy to hear everything is ok, I will be going in next Wednesday to see what’s up but I’m on day 2 of pretty heavy flow now


Snowflake • Sep 16, 2020
Had my first scan today and baby is doing fine, just gotta take things easy for now


Posted at
I hope everything is ok. That is so nerve wracking. Keep us updated ❤


Posted at
I’m so sorry. I started experiencing brown discharge this morning and no signs of stopping so I fear I’m in the same boat (6 weeks)


D • Sep 15, 2020


Dee • Sep 15, 2020
Thank you<3 was this gonna be your first?