Looking for advice

Angel • Wife and mommy to ivf miracle

Would love to solicit for some advice from others. We were so lucky our first transfer resulted in our son but we have always dreamt about having 2-3. But in the world of

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

beggars can’t be choosers. We have gone through 2 egg collections our first 3 years ago when we got our son and the second just recently. Out of 3 transfers one has worked. Both retrieval’s yielded 2 embryos this retrieval had one perfect 3AA that we miscarried a little over a week. Now we have one embryo left a 2BB so not the greatest quality and I am wondering what would others do. Would you do another egg collection in hopes of getting a few more higher quality ones? Or would you transfer the 2BB and then do another egg retrieval round? Our insurance coverage is running low as well and I would like to get the most out of our coverage since our first

<a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a>

round wasn’t covered I know we won’t be able to afford to pay all out of pocket again once our coverage is exhausted.

(Some background I have pcos, low amh for my age, and we have low sperm quality) Thanks for your advice and opinions in advance! Posted in multiple groups.