Hurricane Babies??? Can atmospheric pressure affect lil bububs in utero

Jada 👩🏾‍🦲👦🏾✨ • JBD🫧

I’m curious to know if this is true. I could just do some research on google but that’s no fun 😜 I want to hear from fellow mamas who have gone through or experienced weather that they believe affected their pregnancy or delivery.

Baby went through his first hurricane this weekend and started dropping. My mom thought I was going into labor since I had so much lightning crotch 😂 not sure if it was the change in air pressure or just a coincidence but she was so scared we had my dad, who was the police sergeant on patrol, on standby just in case lol. Baby making his debute during a Cat 2 hurricane would have been one hell of a story though 😅 We had to postpone my shower until next week but a Cat 3 is projected to hit us next Tuesday. Fingers crossed it changes direction.

I know the moon has a great affect on pregnancy/ the female anatomy in general but could this have been a factor? I want to know if any mamas have been through something similar before. I am already 35w 2d with my first pregnancy so dropping was bound to happen statistically. Just wondering if I should prepare for more lightening crotch if the next hurricane hits 😂 Thoughts?