Pregnancy going down hill I need help !!!

I am so overwhelmed and have no idea what to do, I have been trying to google the correct information to find help with this but nothing is out there. I’m wondering if anyone here will help and just refer me or somthing PLEASE 😞😞

So I’m 7 weeks pregnant, I have a call with the midwife in 2 weeks, yesterday me and my partner got in a argument, he didn’t hurt me but he did make a dent in our family car he’s NEVER done this, we have got a lot of stress going on atm which Im not making as a excuse, and everyone has there moments and he felt so bad after and like I said he is never like this so I don’t see it as a big deal the dent popped back out easy, he stopped and we sorted it,

someone(neighbour) called the police and he got arrested, I begged them not to and I didn’t make a statement.

So then he got realised but cant see or contact me for 28 days !!

I then got a phone call today from children social services saying that at 12 weeks they will contact me again and talk about what will happen next and hung up,

I googled it and it’s assessments to see if I will be a good mum and my partner is safe, !! It was down as domestic abuse.

And I know some of you will say he did this and that but you do not know him, he wouldn’t ever hurt me nor baby.

I just felt so shit !! Like there not giving me a choice, that I’m a bad mother and I’m so scared they will take my baby away from us if I decide to stay with him after baby is born.

I feel like I have to give up my baby cuz there saying I’m not fit enough.

I have so many thoughts in my head, I am hurt with how they have done this, they have told me NOTHING about the “investigation” with police or social services.

I feel like I have so much stress and won’t even be able to go on with it anymore and that hurts me so much.

Please don’t judge and please help I have no one to turn to. (My family and friend don’t know yet)

My feelings and emotions are so high rn and it’s not good, I just want to all to be normal !!


I am replying to you all my messages keep deleting my app has been messed up, I hope you can see them,

so thank you all so much ❤️