I feel like my mind races

Everyday when I look at my son. There’s a borderline question between “could he be autistic?” Or “is this normal?” He makes great eye contact and super aware of his surroundings, smiles when we smile at him, plays with his sibling, mimics, answers to his name, follows directions, is aware of being in danger, and points at things he is interested in. When we tell him to sit down, he sits. When we tell him no, he listens and doesn’t go further. By aware of being in “danger”, I mean he knows that if he is on the couch, or is being thrown up in the air, he makes his face aware of his emotions. HOWEVER. He isn’t talking. He will occasionally say “Papa” only calls me if he needs something. If he is hungry, he will just throw a tantrum, no matter how many times I repeat the phrase “comer” to him. He will sometimes mimic sounds “uh-oh” “ahhh-boooop” and sing along to his songs. We are in the process of getting him into speech therapy/early intervention to help, but it’s ahhh, is it Autism, a delay, both, neither? Mom vent over!