Anyone else?


I’m just curious if anyone else’s little one is doing this because I’m not sure if this is normal or not. I plan to call his pediatrician when they open tomorrow. My son is about one year old now and used to drink his full bottle straight through without stopping. Well the past couple days, I have noticed him pausing more for breaks and overall has a decreased appetite. When he takes breaks from drinking, I noticed when he breaths, he pushes his stomach out and seems to breath a bit harder with a small grunting noise. I didn’t know if this is something maybe he is causing to happen himself or maybe a normal thing some babies go through? He still spits up here and there, so also wasn’t sure if this is related to reflux? This only happens when he eats, otherwise he breaths normally. He is definitely teething right now, so I don’t know if that is the cause for the appetite decrease. Just worrying about every little thing over here 😅