I feel like a terrible person

Marina • 💘Wife👰🏻Pregnant with baby #2🥰

I feel terrible saying this but I don’t like being around pregnant people ... it makes me so sad and jealous and every emotion I can think of I feel. I dread being around my 7 almost eight month sister in law as she sits there rubbing her bumb, having everyone touch and feel the baby kick . Does this make me terrible and how do I fix this :(

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Posted at
It’s 100% okay to feel those emotions! I had a close friend get pregnant while I struggled with fertility treatments. It’s hard and you’re allowed to feel how you feel. Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.


Caitlin • Sep 16, 2020
❤️ not 👏🏼


Caitlin • Sep 16, 2020
No they don’t, and it’s really not their fault. Unless you struggle with it yourself, you really don’t know how to talk to someone struggling. We ended up looking into adoption and that’s when i finally got pregnant. It really does happen when your sole focus isn’t on it. Hang in there girly, you’ll become a mom one way or another. 👏🏼


Marina • Sep 16, 2020
It’s so frustrating literally every time I’m on social media I see a pregnancy announcement, and the people that do know I’m struggling with infertility which is still a very small bunch always says it will happen, it’s just not your time, don’t think about it, people are just so insensitive and really don’t understand that when you’re struggling things like that don’t just come easy


Posted at
Its Normal just keep trying are you Married?


Marina • Sep 16, 2020
Thank you I will! And yes I am for a year and some months now but have been trying for a year with no luck


Posted at
I understand. My neighbor keeps asking me to see her nursery but I just keep making excuses or saying no. Everywhere I look someone’s pregnant


Marina • Sep 16, 2020
Right! All my friends are like oh my gosh I’m pregnant let’s plan a baby shower and I always have excuses to not go shopping with them😭😭✨baby dust to you my love


Posted at
I definitely understand the way your feeling, i ended up getting pregnant last october and nobody knew about it, i was around 3-4 months when i lost my baby and i never got to embrace it. a week later 2 of family members announced their pregnancy and i would get super jealous too and upset when they started growing and would rub their bellys. It's normal to feel that way, you will have your miracle soon🤍 Baby dust to you✨


Marina • Sep 16, 2020
I’m so so sorry for your lost love 🙏🏼✨☹️Nobody should go through that pain it’s definitely not your fault, exactly and don’t get me wrong I am happy for them but it just makes me very sad to be around them, every conversation is about the baby as her due date gets closer and I hate to even say this but I don’t even want to go to her baby shower. I know it’s not the babies fault but she was saying when she got pregnant that she wasn’t even going to keep it while I’m over here struggling


Posted at
I feel the same love