Mad at my husband for something that hasn’t even happened...

I have to get this out and I’m sure I’m being unreasonable, but I’m super pregnant and just on edge! We have a baby arriving next month, but there is a big possibility she will not have her vaccines for the Christmas holidays. With that being said, we do plan on being around my parents and his parents before vaccinations, because they have TDap and will have flu shots (we’ve all also been careful about Covid). We usually spend holidays like this: Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> with his extended fam at his cousins, including his dad, Christmas Day at my parents with my grandma and aunt and the 26th (Boxing Day), with his mom and step dad. The only get together that has people at it that we’re not typically around, is Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>. We started talking about holidays tonight and he said that if we don’t go to Christmas <a href="">Eve</a> (with all the extended family), then we will 100% not be going to Christmas Day or Boxing Day. I find this so odd and got super mad, as we are going to be around our parents all the time, so what’s the difference? I think the only day that would have to be reconsidered would be Christmas <a href="">Eve</a>

Since there are people we see 1x a year there. I said we could make alternative plans with his dad. Nope, he’s dead set on all 3 days or nothing. So now I’m super annoyed! Even though this holiday is months away, am I being super dramatic by being mad? Or is he being ridiculous?

**** Thanks for your responses! Emily, your response is very helpful and I will be taking your advice 😊. Maddie my pregnant butt doesn’t thank you haha..all in good fun!****