Super sick from breastfeeding? or exhaustion?


It’s 1:45am and our second and not last feed of the night. Almost every single night for the past few months I wake up SUPER SUPER SICK. Like sicker than when I was pregnant. I feel hungover and extremely nauseous with hot flashes and cotton mouth, is anyone else (who is not pregnant but EBF) also feeling like this??

I’m unsure if it’s hormonal (I’m 9mos PP) or because I am so exhausted and then waking up like newborn stage every hour to two hours.... omg I can’t handle it anymore. I drink a BUNCH of water before bed, I stopped eating a heavy meal for dinner because it was making it worse, I don’t know what to do. 😩. Super super nauseous and gaggy. EVERY DAMN NIGHT. 🤦🏽‍♀️