Is this forreal?! Baby #3 on the way 😳


I was ttc for almost a year now , I have two daughters already (4&3) but a few months ago I made myself believe that im not gonna get pregnant anytime soon due to weight and my pcos. I continued having sex and getting my period every month. This time was no different, I went on with my days , had unprotected sex and didn’t think much about pregnancy. Then on sept 9th I got the worst UTI ever , it was hurting my kidneys I had to go to the hospital. They did all the tests there and it was negative. My reports said negative, I had ovulated on the 4th of September.

I got treated for my infection and then I started getting nauseous every morning and night, again I thought whatever prbably a side effect of my pms. Then i got a freaking yeast infection out of nowhere and I’m like why tf am I getting this, this only happens if I’m pregnant. So I went on amazon and ordered my most trusted and also cheap box of pregnancy tests as a joke.

It came today and well... that’s what popped up immediately, it said to wait 5 mins but it came up within seconds . I don’t know how I feel , I just went back to college and I plan to complete this year. I guess I just have to trust gods timing .