Busy week = anxiety


I have been off anxiety meds for a while and I had been doing really good but this week I start a new job while working my other job and my schedule is all over the place. Monday I was at my new job from 8-4:30 doing orientation and then Tuesday I worked 6am-2pm (CNA position) then went to my other job 3pm-6:30pm (home care for special needs kid) and then Wednesday (today) I work my old job 10am-1pm and go into work after that for 2pm-10pm and tomorrow on Thursday I have no idea what hours I’m working for the kid but I do an overnight shift starting at 10pm and ending 6am on Friday and then working 3pm-6:30pm with the kid AND THEN starting to move into my new apartment that night and all day Saturday and now being told we might not be able to move in this weekend even though we already have everything planned and got the people we needed to help us move. I feel like I cant breathe I am so overwhelmed and get so much anxiety for being at a new job. I’m trying to chug along but it’s SO HARD. And nobody seems to understand why I feel the way I do.