We did it! Iris is here😍
I made a few posts yesterday as things were progressing but I'll sum it up here. Went into the Dr at about 9. As soon as I got hooked up to the NST I started contracting, painfully. The Dr checked me and I was 4 cm, did a quick ultrasound and she decided to send me to L & D so I could start my GBS antibiotics. Got there around 11 and was checked again and was just about 5cm. Got my IV antibiotics started, contractions were semi steady and pretty painful. Within the course of the hrs that passed by I got 3 doses of IV pain meds, tried my best to rest and relax. Im not sure on the timing of things( I'd have to look at yesterday's posts LOL)but the contractions began to fizz out and I was stuck around a 7 and not progressing much. They decided to start pitocin around 7 30ish and the Dr also came to the conclusion she was sunny side up. They broke my water and started the pitocin soon after. The pitocin didn't go well, Iris heart rate was a steady 140 and with every contraction dropped to as low as 50. This kept happening so they turned it off, gave me fluids and had me lay on my sides. At this point things were pretty painful and I was in tears, sobbing telling my husband I wished I had just done the epidural. I was checked again around 9 and was finally 8 cm. Continued to contract closer and closer, began to get massive tailbone pain and asked to be checked again around 10 15. At that point I was a 9. By 10 30 I was in so much pain I was curling up just sobbing begging for help. Checked again and the nurse literally ran out the door calling for the Dr and telling me not to push. The Dr was in another room delivering and I just couldn't help but push a little, the contractions were right on top of one another and I could feel fluid coming out with each one. The nurse and my husband began to get the bed ready, placed my feet in stirrups and the Dr walked in as baby was beginning to crown. 3 crazy intense pushes and her head was out. My husband got to hold her head in his hands and the Dr realized her shoulder was stuck so my husband supported her head while the Dr maneuvered her shoulder, I remember screaming at them all to just get her out before she killed me lol. 2 more big pushes and she was born at 10:48pm. No tearing thankfully. I did bleed a lot and they had to give medication to stop it. Iris weighed a lot more than I expected as she was estimated 6lbs at 37 weeks. Shes 7lbs 11oz and 20 inches long. She is perfect. We are so in love, Daddy is absolutely smitten lol, I cant wait to go home so her brother and sisters can meet her. Here she is, not the best pics, Ive gotten about 2 hrs of sleep so far.

Thank you all for all the support and encouragement, you guys have no clue how much this group has helped me get through the last 9 months❤
Let's Glow!
Achieve your health goals from period to parenting.