It’s go time!


Hubby and I have been at hospital all day. I originally had my 40 week prenatal appointment today but they wanted me to be evaluated because I have consistently had borderline preeclampsia blood pressure. Turns out it’s just gestational hypertension and they wanted to go ahead and induce me. Had 3 options. I could start with the balloon that’s inserted (I forget what it’s called) and Cytotec, just do Cytotec and see how that goes, or do the balloon and Cytotec along with pain meds administered through an IV. I’m currently just doing the Cytotec to see where that gets me but am on the fence about having either another dose of Cytotec or doing Cytotec and the balloon if I haven’t made much progress after the next cervical check.

For those who have done this, how was the balloon when you got it? How painful was it and do you recommend? Before they gave me Cytotec I was 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. Midwife said she is confident I would do well with the combination but if I was nervous about the pain I could start with Cytotec (which is what I did) and possibly add the balloon later.