Measuring less weeks/days than I should be


Last week I went for an ultrasound and confirmed a gestational sac and yolk sac. Yay! This was a huge relief as I had an ectopic in 4/2020 and my hcg has been slow to rise so we were all very worried it was again in my tube. I measured 5w1d.

I went for another ultrasound today and am now measuring 5w6d and we saw a heartbeat. Last week (8 days ago) I was 5w1d so only progressed 5 days. LMP was 7/29, but my doctor said it’s okay to be a bit off from that since I could have ovulated late, but my concern is my peanut isn’t growing at the rate it should.

Anyone else have any experience being “behind”?? I should note that in addition to my ectopic earlier this year, i also had a miscarriage in 2/2018 so anything not normal is causing me to worry🥺