
Hey mommas!

I was just wondering if any of you ladies have been told that your baby is breech.....and if so what is your doctor saying? I see my baby doctor in the morning, but I went for a private ultrasound and my LO is breech and we didn’t get very good pictures or see his face very well because of that and he had his toes to his forehead and his hands in front of his face! 😩🤦🏽‍♀️ we did manage to get a few when i went back a second time (they let me come back to try again for free since he wasn’t cooperating Saturday)’s the few we did get!!

The heartburn theory that babies will have lots of hair if you have bad heartburn is apparently true because his hair on the back of his head down by his neck is LONG (as you can see in the picture) and I still have 8 weeks left til my due date!’! 🥰