Dang morning sickness


Morning sickness is normal during pregnancy, I get that, but today marks day 5 of not being able to keep anything down. Not only is my food coming back but today I wasn’t able to keep down saltines or even water. Last night while cutting vegetables for the home made chicken soup I got so woozy and dizzy I literally sat on the kitchen floor for a good 10 minutes while my husband had a freak out moment of “I’m gonna call someone!” Yeah we’re not gonna do all that lol. I’ve tried peppermint and ginger tea, saltines/pretzels, bread, ginger candies, I feel like nothing’s working and I’m constantly fighting back getting sick but idw to take medications. Anyone else having it this bad, and if so is there something you can recommend??

Also I’m CONSTANTLY nauseous so the whole “drink when you’re not nauseous” or “snack when you’re not nauseous” advice won’t help too much. Thank y’all in advance!