Is it worth it 🤭 / wwyd

My fwb lives 1 hour from me now. Unfortunately he doesn’t have a car so usually I go to him. He’s a little toxic but a little toxic hasn’t hurt anyone...just kidding haha. Anyways, I’ve been thinking it doesn’t make sense for me to go see him anymore. It’s probably more convenient to just wait and find a new relationship etc. I do trust him since he knows how to hit it good...but is that worth an hour drive there then the hour drive back + not spending the night because I have work... I’m not sure. But sometimes you gotta do what you have to.

((Having the pandemic in mind, we haven’t seen each other in a bit. He works from home so he doesn’t go out much. I have to go out for work but I do my part and social distance, hand hygiene, and masks.))

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