Sleep troubles


Ugh. I’m so tired of sleep troubles lol my girl wakes up every single night between 10 and 11 and it takes around an hour to get her back to sleep. I’ve tried following babywise and have looked at taking cara babies but I can’t seem to figure out how to break this cycle. She’s not hungry. She isn’t hot/cold. I’ve tried more nap hours and less nap hours. She’s eating oatmeal twice a day and gets a big bottle before bed (breastmilk) she’s usually asleep before 730 and tonight was 7 but right at 10 she wakes up

We tried CIO one week but every night got worse and when it hit 3 hours of her still being awake I decided that was enough of that

Any one have any advice or help or something. I’m so tired! She wakes 3-4 times a night and only eats once at night