My ways are killing my relationship

I am 29 almost 30

I feel like I am so immature

I get jealous when he goes to parties , travels or hangs out with his friends without me... I’m always asking him where he’s going nagging about things ... how do I just stop worrying about what he’s doing and focus on myself ... im always worried about what he’s doing who he’s with ... I feel like I’m the only woman who is this way and itskilling the relationship slowly and who knows it will probably lead him to want to cheat on me .. I also get mad or think he’s up to something or too busy txtng someone else when he takes too long to txt back 15 mins to txt back is way too long at that point is where I’ll get really anxious about what he’s doing what are some changes I can make to myself I want to seem more independent or more like I don’t care what he’s doing . I have tried over and over but I always end up ruining everything by causing an argument or acting like a physco again and then I get so mad at myself. Please give. Me some advice