Parents judging us


So long story short, both my parents and my bf’s constantly judge how we have decided to do thinks during my pregnancy and how we parent. My mom is my boss and I work in fast food. She always has something to say about me and my bf taking the day off together when I have baby appointments. But we literally never get days off together, so we decided to make our one appointment a month our “us” day. Usually go to our baby appointment and will get something to eat and just hang out together. Also a lot of my coworkers are very excited for us and will a lot of time do things for me like picking up the really heavy boxes of food and stuff, or doing the jobs that require getting up on latters and such. I don’t even ask them to they just do but then I get yelled at for ppl doing my job. My mom always has something to say about me taking maternity leave. I was planning on taking a month off after having the baby but my mom said it’s stupid and that she never took time off with her first few kids. And my bf’s mom is honestly awful about it. I have been following the rules that my doctor gave me for being pregnant, like no cold lunchmeat or sushi, no strenuous work, not to be breathing in harsh chemicals. Well my SIL just bought a new house and they are currently painting the entire inside. EVERY wall. We were supposed to go to his moms house today to watch football but they decided to do it while helping paint again today. His mom told us to go watch it their and help them move and paint. My bf told her no, I’m not going to be around all those fumes it’s not safe. And she yelled at him saying it’s bs, that it doesn’t even matter and we’re being dumb. I’m lucky my bf feels the same way I do bc he stood his ground and said no not happening. But he’s also really sad bc he was looking forward to watching football with his family. Does anyone else have family like that and did they get any better? We love going and doing stuff with our families but we both feel stressed when constantly nagged about our decisions as parents.