11dpo. Help Line Eye

Makenzie • Just married❤️ TTC FOR Baby #1🥺 Fur momma🐶

Tested this morning at 9am let the test dry because that’s what everyone on my last post said to do. And this is the result. I feel like it should be darker and more noticeable if i was pregnant...

This is with the edit app

Please help, Please don’t be rude. I know your not out till AF shows but my first pregnancy was like this never getting a true positive and i felt horrid, was able to get in for a blood test, levels were very high so i scheduled my first appointment which was 2 week after the blood test and 3 days after that test i started bleeding so bad i didn’t know what was going on... my best friend drove me to the nearest er and that’s when they told me my levels are very low... and that i was having a chemical/miscarriage... i really don’t want to go through that again...