Chemical pregnancy

I've heard you are more fertile after a miscarriage. Is this true? And does this count for a chemical pregnancy as well? Had one last week, i was devastated. Trying to get hope to continue my ttc journey..
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Posted at
It's true in my case!! I had a "chemical" at 4wks 5ds. We conceived exactly 3 weeks after that and am at 10wks tomorrow!! 


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After I had my miscarriage at 12 weeks it took a whole year before concieving And that ended in a chemical last month. I think I got a faint pos. So let's see


Posted at
I'm in the same situation as you. Just had a chemical pregnancy and want to know if I should try straight away or wait?


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I had one last month and my dr said it was ok to start trying again. I conceived 2 weeks later but unfortunately I am going through it again. It is truly heartbreaking. Just make sure you are ready before you try again.


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From what I've read studies are inconclusive.  There is some difference though bc my doctor had me skip a month of clomid after my chemical bc it apparently makes you at higher risk of hyper stimulating the ovaries right after a chemical.