
Catelin • Mom of a beautiful girl 🌺🌸& a beautiful angel boy👼💙 One baby boy 🌈 coming soon

So my story is I have gotten the mirena after having my sweet baby girl who was born early at 28 gestation. She’s my fighter and way healthier now. This month is weird. I had my normal period almost two weeks ago and yesterday morning I woke up to a light pink spotting that carried out into today and ended today. My first thought was maybe the iud moved so I had my partner help me check anin the same place. I’m nervous that I might have just had implantation bleeding. This isn’t normal for me. But I have had been feeling nauseated off and on now for a week and half and my partner is the one who brought up this idea. I’m nervous cause idk if this is normal. I’m scared that I could be pregnant and that the iud will hurt the baby. I’m already a high risk pregnancy because I have had a preemie. I’m a nervous reck. Should I go to the dr immediately or should I wait to take a test. I’m completely lost.