39 weeks today 🤰🏼💙


As if I’m 39 weeks today!!!! I’ve had so many symptoms of early labour yet here I am 😂 one more week and it’ll be my due date. I’m due to have a sweep on the 1st as that’s my EDD.

Come on little boy I wanna meet you so bad!!! I feel like it’s going to happen soon, you’ve gotta be bored in there?!

The whole nine months has been tough beyond words. Relationship broken, there was episodes of relapsing with my partner, cheating, moving house and then sleeping on a sofa for two months until being housed, my body has changed so much. I’ve really struggled with that. I used to have an ED so seeing myself fall back into depression and anxiety, comfort eating and feeling awful when the relationship broke down. I gave up and ate like shit. I’m covered in stretch marks.

I’m more relaxed now, I’m settled in my new forever home although it needs a whole lot of decorating. I’m learning to love myself, looking forward to doing things for us, making myself feel better about myself again and getting back on track.

Some photos of throughout my pregnancy 😂 some aren’t great, but it shows how my body has changed in a raw way. Just wanted to keep a little note to myself of my journey and how far I’ve come.

Definitely dropped, sorry about the naked photos!! I don’t have anyone to take some. You can see how much work the house needs 😂😂