My husband is becoming a total turn off!!!

This is going to be all over the place as I just need to vent!

Okay tonight some random guy called me on Snapchat , but I’ve never ever talked to this guy I have no idea why he called. So I wrote & asked why did he call & he said it was an accident! I showed my husband this & he still left the house and going stay at a friends house! How freakin childish is that!

So the other day this guy I know that lives down the street from us waved at me while we were in his car, the guy is gay.. my husband got soooo upset saying “don’t speak to punks while you’re in my car because one day I might be with a friend & the punk might wave & my friends will assume I’m gay” what in the entire fuckkk!!

Okay so earlier I was holding my 11 month old because he was sick from having a fever, he got mad and yelled at me saying “put him down he’s never going to cool off with you holding him stupid” so I put him down and go to the bathroom & walk out and guess what ??... NOW HES HOLDING HIM! I said “wtf are you serious” he said “well you should’ve stood up for yourself and said HES MY KID DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO” I was speechless , I just walked away!

& oh not to mention last week him and I were texting & he almost wrecked (I had no idea he was driving) and he calls me & says stop texting me you almost made me wreck & hung up in my face!! Like how was it my fault ? I didn’t even know he was driving at that moment!!

You guys I’m not sure why he’s this way now but it’s annoying and unattractive to me! I’m starting to lose feelings for him honestly.

Then on top of that his breath is always so damn stinky because he smokes weed 24-7, everything he does wrong he blame other people, etc. was trying not to go through the whole divorce process but I’m definitely losing feelings for him!